2023 Is Here. Is Your Content Pipeline Ready?

Charlene Virlouvet
Charlene Virlouvet
January 5, 2023

Is your content pipeline scalable and ready for 2023?

2023 Is Here. Is Your Content Pipeline Ready?

Did you know that half of all business-to-business marketers plan to increase their content marketing this year? Therefore, it is essential to stay up to date on the latest content marketing trends for the year 2023 to stand out.

Important Takeaways:

It's important to know what's going on in your industry if you want to create and share valuable, relevant, consistent content that will attract and keep your audience, which will eventually lead to customer action and profits.

Fortunately, we cover the latest content marketing trends for 2023 so that you will know what is ahead in the industry and that you can prepare for a successful and profitable new year.

Content Marketing Trends to Consider When Developing Your Content Strategy

As we enter the new year, it's time to consider your content marketing strategy. What worked in 2022 may no longer work in 2023. Because the landscape is constantly changing, staying up-to-date on the latest trends is critical.

With that in mind, you should consider the future of your content marketing strategy. Looking for a place to begin? Consider the following five 2023 content marketing trends that you can start adding on your content planner (like our DashoPlan).

  1. Video Content

For various reasons, video content will continue to be a popular marketing trend in 2023. For starters, video is a highly engaging format that can capture viewers' attention. Second, video is an excellent medium for telling a story and connecting emotionally with an audience. Third, video is a versatile format used for various purposes, from product demonstrations to corporate overviews.

2. Interactive Content

Interactive content requires the audience to take action to consume it. This content can range from taking a quiz to playing a game to watching a video. Because it is more engaging than traditional, static content, interactive content is becoming increasingly popular as a marketing tool. It allows the audience to participate in the content rather than just observe it.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) will only increase the popularity of interactive content. Make the content more interactive and engaging by using AI to create more personalized content experiences.

3. Content optimization for search engines

The importance of optimizing your content for search engines is one trend that shows no signs of abating. Optimizing your content for search engines makes it more likely that search engines will find it and rank it high in search results, where your target audience is most likely to find it.

While using appropriate keywords and phrases is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your content for search engines, paying attention to search engines and how they rank content is another effective SEO strategy.

4. Influencers Marketing

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with influencers to promote a product or service. Influencers have a large social media or other online following and can reach a large audience with their endorsements. Influencer marketing was traditionally used primarily by consumer brands, but it is becoming increasingly popular among business-to-business brands.

This type of marketing is especially effective because it allows you to reach an audience you would not otherwise be able to reach. It's also a less expensive marketing method because you don't have to spend as much money promoting your brand.

5. Updating and Repurposing Old Content

As a marketer, you're constantly looking for new ways to reach your target audience. Updating and repurposing old content is an excellent way to give it new life and reach a new audience. With blogs and long-form content being among the most famous content assets used by business-to-business marketers, it's important to remember that your old content, especially evergreen content, can still be valuable.

Evergreen content remains relevant and helpful even after a specific time has passed. Instead of letting that content fall through the cracks, consider updating and republishing it with new information. You can always look through your content calendar to review and audit content that has been working well and republish them.

Your updated piece won't be marked as copied if you add new information and change some of the old words.

Last Thoughts

As can be seen, there are numerous content marketing trends for 2023 that you can begin planning for right now. The most important thing is to keep your audience in mind when creating content. With the right strategy, you can ensure that your content stands out in a crowded marketplace and contributes to achieving your business objectives.

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Written by Charlene Virlouvet